Monday, May 14, 2007

Bossa Nova Monday: Big Boss

The Notorious

What better boss to boss around the other bosses of Bossa Nova then Big Boss? He is quite possibly the most successful villain in the history of video games, seeing as he went on to star in two games of his own. (And no, I don't acknowledge the Sephiroth Dating Sim, nor Sephiroth Kart Racing: Lifestream Grand Prix.) Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear series is full of double-crosses, but nothing tops the first one: Your commanding officer, the distinguished leader of FOXHOUND, is actually the mastermind of the terrorist nation you were sent to infiltrate. !o.O! (Oh yeah, spoiler warning.)

I could, of course, go on and on (and on) about Naked Snake, but this feature is about bosses, and Big Boss was only the last guy of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, even though his genetic progeny and military legacy influence much of the plot of Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, and 4. I chose to use art from the Metal Gear Solid era, however, because the original MSX/NES graphics purposely resemble Sean Connery, and that's just... weird.

Pseudonyms:Naked Snake, Saladin, John Doe, Jack
Weapon:Survival Knife; later Metal Gear
Signature Move:Close Quarters Combat; later Pushing the Self-Destruct Button
Weaknesses:Underestimates Solid Snake, lacks depth perception, flammability
Distinguishing Features:Missing right eye (thanks a lot, Ocelot)
Quote:"Begin Operation: Intrude N313"
Similar Characters:Albert Wesker (RE), Captain Blue (Viewtiful Joe)

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