Sunday, April 29, 2007

Region of Gloom

Yes, the PS3 is a tempting piece of hardware, I'll give it that. I very much would like to go buy one, and pick up F.E.A.R., and then Heavenly Sword (whenever the hell that drops). Then come this Winter, I foresee marathon sessions of MGS4 Online isolating me from my typical human interaction. It could also play all the PS2 games that Keif's renegade unit won't play. I could even pick up Planet Earth on Blu Ray.

But I still won't be able to play the new Guilty Gear XX Accent Core on it.

The PS3 may not be subject to the last-gen drudgery of region encoding for its current media, but archaic PS2 DVD-Roms are still enslaved by the outmoded regulations of those technocrats who can't face the terrifying future of imminent glocalization. It seems the true complement to the Playstaion 3 may be the modded Playstation 2. With a little overseas transaction, a dash of Swap Magic, and the equitable procurement of Catarina's dusty PS2, I could make Force Breaking with Order Sol a reality.

But wait, the plot thickens. When a posting for Accent Core for Wii (!) first surfaced, speculation flared, but nothing reassuring could be trawled up from the depths of the inter-Zeinest. That is to say until this late-breaking blurb from a usually reliable source. Is this for real for real? Will it use the Classic Controller? How could it possibly not? Accent Core, really? So many questions, but why dizzy myself with this swarm of guesses? What are the odds of the Wii version even being localized, when the last two PS2 entries were not? Who am I kidding?

Likewise, I don't even have a Wii, only the generous use of Legoman's. In all likelihood, I may go ahead with my [Import + Modding = Crazy Propitious] plan at the end of May, and hope that a timely North American release of Accent Core doesn't come down the retail warp tube any time soon, much as Catarina fears a PSP redesign hot on the heels of her sprint shoes impending purchase.

On the plus side, having the Japanese version would be hardcore 1337 to the limit extreme. The next logical step I suppose would then be to summon all my translation bravery for an attempt at Namco x Capcom, the JPN-onry SRPG crossover I've coveted for the longest time. It just seems a shame that the upcoming game in which I am most vested, once again, is for the cheapest, oldest, and weakest console on the market.

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