Saturday, November 25, 2006


As it was alluded to in the last mobile posting, I have not yet secured myself a Wiimote nor a nunchuk attachment. Poptart was kind enough to give me a black and gray texturized cover, but for now it merely is something for me to wave as proof of my alleged commitment to the console. Hopefully soon I can join the eliit club of owners, but for now I will bide my time and try to wait patiently for the next shipment.

Bad for me, but hella good sign for Nintendo. I don't have any official numbers, but their hardware attach rate, which for typical launches isn't the hot topic, must be through the roof. In the case of my cadre and I, we're chomping at the bit to tear into Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Retail price of the game aside, the Wii goes for the reasonable $250. Add to the that the cost of three more 'motes and three 'chuks. [sounds of numbers crunching] $420. And that's before a classic controller, and some Wii points... Well what do you know? Looks like Mario is starting to pull in plumber money.

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