Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Twilight Princess: First Impressions

(Or, Here There Be Spoilers)

I think when people complain about the graphics of Twilight Princess, their disappointment stems from the fact that it looks like a Gamecube title, when people were expecting something a little more "next gen." However, the fact remains that TP is a GCN title---so it should come as no surprise that it looks like one. The lighting engine may have been upgraded a little bit (the water graphics, as Killa mentioned, are very nicely done), but this is essentially a GCN title that has been modified slightly for the Wii. Moreover, the modifications are primarily to do with the control scheme, not so much with the graphics (although 16 x 9 aspect ratio has been implemented for the Wii, and the maps have all been mirrored so that Link could use his right hand).

I have to disagree with Killa about the gameplay. Complicated button-pushing methodology is not second nature to me. E.g., when I played Vice City, my Tommy Vercetti walked to get where he was going---because it was just easier and less cause for anxiety than stealing a car ("Mmm, two stars; better turn myself in!"). I'm terrible at remembering sequences of buttons, especially when I perceive my character to be in danger. For me, being able to wildly shake both my Wiimote and nunchuck to attack makes perfect sense---it's the gesture I naturally make when I'm alarmed by something on the screen. I've discovered that if you target with Z and just shake your Wiimote in the general direction of the baddies, Link will handle the rest.

I mentioned above that the maps have been mirrored for the Wii version of LoZ:TP. As a Zelda purist, this is my biggest gripe so far with the game (admittedly, not a very significant gripe). Link has traditionally been a left-handed character, and so he was designed for the GCN TP as well. Early test groups, however, thought it was perplexing to swing the Wiimote with their right hand and cause Link to swing with his left hand, so, for the Wii version of TP, everything got mirrored so that Link would be right handed. I found this a little silly and unfair for those of us who are left handed---if it was so upsetting for right-handed people to play as a left-handed character, shouldn't there be an option to play either a left- or a right-handed Link so that lefties won't have to suffer?

One thing I can say with a certainty is that I like Midna. Killa had to leave before we encountered her so he has yet to experience the pure, unadultered joy that comes from this impish little creature. When she has something to tell you, she emits one little snicker from the speaker in your Wiimote and then she shuts up and waits for you to ask for her help. I think we will all agree that when you're trying to do something, that's much more agreeable than the alternative.


1 comment:

Killa said...

Yeah, you definitely weren't the most adept at GTA.

K: "Press R3 to crouch."

C: "There's an R3?!"