Saturday, July 28, 2007

Also, I Have This Cake

Not only did I procure my PS3 earlier this month, but just yesterday I was able to recoup the difference post-price cut with the assistance of the helpful Best Buy customer support staff. With my $105 refund in hand, I picked up the drastically cheaper Enchanted Arms as my second PS3 disc. I've been looking for an RPG lately, as I draw near the close of Valkyrie Profile (Goddamn you, Jotunheim Ice Palace!), and while I was considering a replay of either FFVII or FFVIII, for a mere Jackson I can treat myself to this notoriously conventional offering. Keif has been prodding me to use the refund on two more Sixaxes so that some intense splitscreen Resistance might take place, but Catarina has been trying to persuade me otherwise, in hopes of waiting for the seemingly imminent rumble-ready Sixaxis upgrade.

Meanwhile, like everyone else, I've been mastering the Heavenly Sword demo (all two minutes of it) between oglings of the RE5 trailer.

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