Tuesday, July 10, 2007

E3 Predictions: Catarina Edition

I've been on the edge of my seat all this week. So many uncertainties to be resolved this month---Are they redesigning the PSP or not? Will Harry Potter die at the end of Book the Seventh? Will I turn twenty-six on schedule?

My preparations are all ready. My husband is poised to get me that PSP to take the sting out of hitting those mid-to-late twenties, somehow so much more depressing than the early-to-mid twenties. I have requested PSP games to accompany my new handheld. I have even secured some sweet headphones for the purpose. Everything hinges on E3 and the announcements it brings.

People all over the Web are speculating on what surprises that E3 has up its figurative sleeve. Kotaku is even running a fantasy betting pool. Early dribs and drabs have been coming out all week in anticipation of the big event, but there must surely still be some surprises in store.

My own predictions:

  • Sony will reveal the redesigned PSP. Although I'm hoping against hope that they don't---I don't want to wait 'til X-Mas for my toy!---I think this is as sure a thing as any.
  • Nintendo will announce major news regarding Super Smash Brothers: Brawl. But what will it be? My money is on a new character unveil---but will it be a Nintendo stable staple? Or third-party madness? As Nintendo's keynote follows Microsoft's and Sony's, a Brawl bombshell could put them in position to overshadow the other two speeches. Can you say Sonic?
  • Team ICO will announce their newest project. We all know they've got something under their hat. The unexpected pre-E3 price cut on the Playstation 3 gave the console a sales bump this week, and news of a successor to ICO and Shadow of the Colossus from Ueda and friends could really help sustain the upswing.
  • Although this one falls squarely in the slim-to-none-chance category, I'm hoping that Namco Bandai will announce that Eternal Sonata (aka Trusty Bell: Chopin's Dream) is coming to the PS3 in addition to the XBox 360.
  • Finally, I believe Nintendo will unveil a new Mario Kart title for the Wii. Come on, Nintendo. The Mario Kart franchise is money in the freaking bank. I don't know what's taken them so long, honestly.

All the way to the bank.


Killa said...

I didn't even mention it in my post, but as per our conversation the other day, Simon Belmont is also a strong contender for a first party SSBB premier.

Killa said...

Wait, no! He's a Konami character, so he's definitely not first party. I just always associate Castlevania with Nintendo. And if Konami gets Snake, chances are low they'll get another entrant.

Maybe Mega Man from Capcom, Bub & Bob from Taito, or Pac Man from Namco (as a way, way out of the way dark horse.)

Anonymous said...

Whoa, 26? Are you sure you're female? I thought it was against the rules to reveal your age...

On the Mario Kart thing: Maybe they're waiting to eek more power out of the console? Although that doesn't make much sense---you'd think they'd have figured out how to program the GCN by now. Perhaps they're targeting the Xmas season?