Monday, December 18, 2006

Not With a Bang. . . .

But with a knife, silently, from behind.

Everything I hear lately about Sony is discouraging. The latest: Noooz is reporting that Metal Gear Solid 4, long anticipated to be a PS3 exclusive, is going to port to the X-Box 360. Neither Konami, nor MicroSoft, nor Sony is confirming this yet. It'll be a shame if it turns out to be true.

I'm still rooting for Sony, and I'm planning to buy a PS3 early in 2007---as soon as there is a worthwhile game to play on it (don't say "REEEEEEEEEEEJ Racer").

Part of the reason is that I don't want the only high-end gaming experience in town to be the X-Box. I already shelled out a pile of money on a MicroSoft-powered machine to play games on. It is my PC. (X-Box, go home.)

Aside/ This is not to say that we don't have an X-Box. We do. It's broken and collecting dust in the attic. Speaking of broken consoles, another point in Sony's favor is that my PS2 is the only of my last-gen consoles to still be in working order these many years later. The X-Box and the GameCube are both teh br0ken. /Aside

Also, I feel that Sony is committed to putting out high-quality merchandise. I don't always buy Sony, but I think Samsung (for example) is better for having to compete with Sony. That is to say, I think Sony keeps the industry standard high. I really want Sony to succeed. For the good of the industry, you see.

But a few months back, PS3 lost Assassin's Creed as an exclusive---they have to share with the 360. That was a blow . . . a highly anticipated PS3 title jumping ship. Then there were a plethora of blu-ray diode production problems. Then, last week, SquareEnix announces that DQIX will be exclusive to the DS . . . a major blow for Sony in the Japanese market. Et tu, Konami? Et tu, MGS4?

Hoping it's not true. . . .

1 comment:

Killa said...

"Worthwhile game to play"? !

What about --

Oh yeah, nevermind.